Intimate Possibilities, LLC understands….

That behind every intimate challenge lies an opportunity for greater intimacy , a more satisfying sex life, and the commitment needed to provide you with professional therapeutic assistance every step of the way.


Imagine the Intimate Possibilities that therapy can help you achieve in your life!







Who Needs Sex Therapy?


EVERY adult who has sex. Partners with intimacy issues, LGBTQIA+ concerns, polyamorous unions, sexual behaviors that have caused issues with relationships, Orgasm Difficulties, ED,  Fetish/Fantasy/BDSM concerns or any other question, concerning thoughts, or behaviors that you may have about you intimate life.


Out of Pocket – $150/person 50 minutes for individuals 75 minutes for partners

Insurance – Aetna, Optum, (United Health) and Cigna (

Check with your EAP company for Employee Assistance Programs that I am in network with.

Also Affiliated with Betterhelp


Counseling Services Provided by

Julianna Height, A Texas Licensed Professional Counselor


People say that love should come easy……I don’t believe that. When things are easy, then they are too easily taken for granted. The best things in life are worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for.

I believe in;

being authentic

never stop learning through living and exploring new things

following your heart and remembering that you are allowed to feel however you feel, but how you express your feelings is your responsibility

and NEVER give up on your dreams even when dreams change as life flows and we evolve

Your feelings, problems, and experiences matter to me. I will do my absolute best to help you, work with you, and discover what you need for a more fulfilling sex life and emotional well-being.